
Wednesday, October 13, 2010


As you may remember, on October 24,2009, Artsboretum held our first Thrill the World Fundraising Event - It was SO much fun - and we raised some funding for The Plant Studios Artsboretum project!

This year, I'm opening this event up to help my colleagues who need to raise money for their non-profit organizations - at NO cost to sign up.
We've already paid the sign up fee, and have everything else set up : venue (beautiful Gabrielson Park), rehearsal space in Sausalito, online registration, etc.

Think about it - When was the last time you participated in a fundraiser that required a few hour lead time, had NO start up costs, allowed you to dress up and dance like a zombie with people of all ages from all over the world, learn a skill that is sure to make you a hit at every Halloween or 80's dance party - AND had the potential to give your organization 85-90% of all funds you raised?

Now that I have your attention - here's how it works:

For your organization to participate in Thrill the World Sausalito, all you need to do is PRE-REGISTER at least one fan or friend to dance as a zombie to Thriller at our "officially sanctioned" event #4086 at Gabrielson Park in Sausalito - 4:00 pm SHARP on October 23rd. Sure, you can have more than one zombie dance for your organization - the more the merrier and each will help you raise funds!

To raise more funds for your organization, you and/or your zombie dancer(s) will ask your friends to register and donate through our "adopt a zombie" ticket option. (be sure to include the link to this blog, and/or our event registration link in all your tweets, facebook status updates, etc.) During registration, your friends will be asked "Who's your Zombie?" and all they have to do is type your name in the box!

LEARN THE DANCE BEFORE THE EVENT: All that is needed to learn it is desire to view the teaching videos and/or come to one or two Sausalito rehearsals next week - most people, who have never danced before - learn it in a couple of hours! More info on our LEARN THE DANCE page:

After we deduct the direct costs of the event from the proceeds (flyer printing, sign up fee, etc) and licensing fees (estimated 12-15% of overall total) we'll donate the remainder to our non-profit partners! The more donations we are able to raise, the higher the percentage we can give back!
(In order to be an official Thrill the World event, we happily remit 10% to TTW Int'l to make sure this wonderful fundraising opportunity can be sustainable.)

BTW: We'll also give a recognition award to the organization that raises the most funds - and sent out a press release! Great exposure for your .org!

For more info, please feel free to call me or check out the event link. -
Don't take too long to decide, though, because the event is FAST approaching and rehearsals start Saturday, October 16th!
If this sounds to good to be true - it isn't - learning this dance is hard work - but it WILL be the most fun you've probably ever had at a FUNdraiser!

Best Regards,
Mari Tamburo

Artsboretum is a program of International Humanities Center, a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code

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