
Friday, October 21, 2011


October 1 - 31 : Rack 'n Roll Breastival FUNdraiser : CLICK HERE : On October 1, 2011 - a bunch of Bay Area musicians came together to share their talents to raise funds to fight breast cancer in Marin County. A Vehicle for Change is producing a limited edition art calendar to expand the event's reach and raise more awareness. Online Fundraising Campaign on Indie Gogo  through 10/31

October 29th : 3:00 - 6:00 pm THRILL the WORLD : Bay Area : Oakland : As you may know , we organized a Thrill the World : Sausalito  event in 2009 & 2010. This year, we are combining resources and zombie forces for good with Thrill the World Bay Area at the Studio One Art Center :  join us !
If you would like to carpool  (creepool) from Marin, please meet up for a flash mob  :
THRILLER ON MILLER : at 1:00 pm on Thrill Day! Additionally, it is a shop local promotion / opportunity for merchants on Miller Avenue!

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